( "Incomoda, que algo queda"... ) Carlos A. Torres Velasco: profesor interino, uno más entre miles en este bendito país: una sociedad incapaz, en apariencia, de afrontar con valentía y real determinación un fracaso descomunal; de consecuencias tan graves y prolongadas que aun apenas se vislumbran del todo... Me refiero a la EDUCACIÓN... ¡Y hablando de FRACASO!: más de diez años de profesión, más de diez años... Afortunado al principio (no lo pongo en duda), mas lastrado por debacles recurrentes (e inexplicables), tras siete oposiciones... Puede que sea el primer ciudadano que, en circunstancias semejantes, se atreve a exponer, pública y abiertamente, esta VERGÜENZA (¿mía?); este asunto sangrante, doloroso, devastador... absurdo y estéril.
Profesional, educador,
padre, ciudadano con un punto de vista "político" claro; persona, ante todo y en suma... Todo lo pongo en evidencia, aunque sin vocación de mártir: tan solo me niego a ocultarme, a cargar con toda la responsabilidad de lo que me pasa... ¡de lo que NOS pasa! Porque en esta sociedad tenemos más de un "armario" que airear. Un saludo a todo el que se atreva.
No quisiera terminar esta introducción y bienvenida sin mencionar que las fotos -la mayoría de ellas- y demás material gráfico que se ve en este blog es obra del que se dirige a Vds. Espero que les guste.

Hi! This is Carlos A. Torres Velasco. I am a Spaniard teacher of Art in a Secondary School of Santander (Cantabria... No, not a bank!), and so I have been since 2001. The problem about addressing Anglo-Saxon people (or rather: almost any other people from wherever in the whole world) is that... you won´t understand a single word of all this! And I am sure the point of such a case will be difficult for you all to grasp: something about striving for a decent and professional way of living; something that has to do with wasting almost your entire professional life in a sort of "limbo"; with dignity and apparently aimless purposes too...

I spent quite a long period in Northern Ireland, and that is why I know the sort of "logic" that pushes forward your societies and the individuals within. Where this sort of "logic" is concerned, Spanish society is a far removed (very "stiff") kind of structure. Actually, this could be said about any aspect you might single out: politics, economy, industry, universities, investigation, trade... And such a "huge mistake", as it were, pervades ALL in this country; obviously, education, as a whole, is affected too. Our personal lives as well: very deeply.

If you don´t have the "guts" to dive so profoundly, then just "enjoy" my few photographs here and there. I hope you will not be discouraged... Thanks a lot!

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

"A Really Good Time"

Siempre ha sido una de mis canciones favoritas de Roxy Music. Está en el primer disco que compré de ellos -en vinilo, por supuesto-, en aquel mercadillo de Castellón; con su carpeta algo defectuosa, pero cuyo impacto era imposible de mitigar: algo de Helmut Newton, con ese toque de sensualidad inalcanzable, perfecta, casi gélida. El 4º de Roxy... Algunos debéis saber de qué estoy hablando.
    Pero eso no importa: quería compartir con vosotros una canción de la que acabo de descubrir su letra. Años escuchándola sin entenderla; y otros tantos sin prestar atención... Es extraño esto de aprender un idioma ya algo mayor; y eso a pesar de haberlo "usado" tanto (aun sin comprender casi una palabra). El caso es que, por alguna razón, estos versos me recuerdan cosas que ahora me resultan muy evocadoras: a propósito de lo que me está pasando últimamente... Sea como sea, es una hermosa canción. "A Really Good Time".

You've heard enough
Of the blues and stuff
You're pretty swell now
'Cause you're pretty tough
But I don't have to tell you
How hard it can be to get by

You never bothered
About anyone else
You're well educated
With no common sense
But love - that's one thing
You really need to get by

All your troubles
Come from yourself
Nobody hurts you
- They don't care
Just as long as you show them
A really good time

All the things
You used to do
A trip to the movies
A drink or two
They don't satisfy you
They don't tell you anything new

You know I don't talk much
Except to myself
'Cause I've not much to say
And there's nobody else
Who's ready and willing
And able to know me - I guess

Listen to me
I'm not finished yet
There's something to tell you
That I can't forget
Just have a really good time

There's a girl
I used to know
Her face is her fortune
She's got a heart of gold
She never goes out much
But boy - when she does
Then you know

She's got no money
Well, maybe a dime
But she knows what she's worth
And that's reason why
She's gonna make it
She's got what it takes
You'll appreciate that
She's probably late
But I know
And you know
We all know
She'll have a really good time


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